Tips and Tricks for your Little Feet RSS

Babies learning to walk are NOT the only ones that need good shoes!

Make Sure The Shoes Fit: An important reminder for EVERYONE.  Wearing comfortable shoes that fit well can prevent many foot problems. Here are some tips for making sure your shoes fit: Shoe size may change as you age, so always have your feet measured before buying shoes. The best time to measure your feet is at the end of the day when your feet are largest. Most of us have one foot that is larger than the other. Make sure your shoes fit your larger foot. Don't buy shoes without trying them on first. Shoe sizes can vary depending on the kind, make, and style. For example, the size you wear for sneakers may not be the same size you need...

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7 Habits That Wreck Your Feet

If you wore a pedometer from the day you started walking, you'd have logged in more then 70,000 miles by the time you hit age 50. When you walk a good portion of those miles in improperly-fitting shoes or otherwise neglect your feet, it's little wonder why they hurt. The 38 muscles in your feet make up approximately 25 percent of the muscles in your body and absorb 1,000 pounds of force each day. Bad foot health habits can quickly add up to major problems. Below, experts discuss the most common bad habits, the consequences and ways to fix your feet so they carry you through your next 50 years: 1. You follow the barefoot running fad. The recent trend toward...

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A child's foot is NOT the same as an adults foot!

Finding the perfect kids shoe can be challenging. The differences in the shape of kids' feet are huge. And since the nerve endings in kids' feet are not fully developed, it’s difficult for them to tell whether their shoes are too tight or not.  Their soft foot bones will adopt the shape of poor fitting or too small shoes and cause foot related problems. So, it is important to allow the bones and muscles in the foot to develop free and unrestricted.  HOW KIDS' FEET DEVELOP 0 - 2 YEARS: Very soft and flexible feet. Bones are not yet ‘connected’ and arches not yet developed. Large amount of fatty tissue and underdeveloped muscle gives a ‘flat-footed’ look. Wide forefoot is the...

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